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Sleeping With Men For Money Is Called Prostitution – Efia Odo Schools Vicky Zugah

Sleeping With Men For Money Is Called Prostitution – Efia Odo Schools Vicky Zugah
Sleeping With Men For Money Is Called Prostitution – Efia Odo Schools Vicky Zugah

Sleeping With Men For Money Is Called Prostitution – Efia Odo Schools Vicky Zugah. Efia Odo has subtly replied actress Vicky Zugah after she disclosed in an interview that women who sleep with men in exchange for money is never a crime.

Recall that the light-skinned actress recently told Joy Prime in an interview that having sekz with a man for the sole purpose of obtaining money from him is not an offense. She said, ‘Sometimes ladies date married men for the money and nothing else.

Vicky was quoted as saying, ‘Those who don’t like hustling but want to live luxurious lives are the ones who find themselves in this fix. As long as you don’t get caught, I don’t see anything wrong with it. After all, it’s all part of hustling.’

It against this background that Efia took to Twitter to counsel Vicky and other women who probably bought into her theory by saying whoever does that is a prostitute. ‘It’s called prostitution. Prostitution is illegal in many countries’, she said.

Check the post out below ; Sleeping With Men For Money Is Called Prostitution – Efia Odo Schools Vicky Zugah.

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